secureB2B solves BASF counterfeit and illegal cross border sales problems
secureB2B offers a digital solution for proactive customer protection against counterfeit products on the global e-commerce marketplaces and protect BASF against online illegal cross border sales. They are collecting full data from over 100 marketplaces and provide product, dealer and competitor analyses based on online transactions data.
Company Name:
secure B2B
Wojciech Golembiewski & Jens Schwarzkopf
Solution offered:
Data driven Online Brand Protection for Brands and Products. In addition we offer new digital solution to stop illegal cross border sales of BASF products
Exit type:
Product or service description
secureB2Brands offers a digital solution for proactive customer protection against counterfeit products on the global B2B and B2C marketplaces.
We are collecting full data from over 100 marketplaces incl. prices, revenues, product data and stock values. We provide product, dealer and competitor analyses based on online transactions data. Our target is to turn sales of counterfeits into sales of original costumer products. We enable our customers to place products on global B2B marketplaces.
In addition we offer new digital solution based on collected data form e-commerce marketplaces to stop illegal cross border sales of BASF products.
Who are your customers?
Our service can be booked from all customers in all industries all over the world.
What is your vision?
In everything we do, we are changing the world to be a better place. We protect the environment and people from dangerous, counterfeit products.
Meet the founders
Wojciech is an expert for e-commerce and online brand protection as well as data monetarization. Hence, he is responsible for customer and data analyses.
Jens has 20 years experience in B2B data management, supply chain and consulting. At secure B2B he is responsible for the areas "customer" and "tech".
How did you come up with the idea?
Jens and Wojciech met at a BASF 4.0 conference. From their experience, they figured that chemical manufacturers lack understanding of online marketplaces and e-commerce sales - especially when it comes to traded counterfeits and illegal cross border sales. More importantly, counterfeit protection is not about packaging it is about data on brand and product level.
What were the most important achievements for you?
- Internal marketability (protection of top BASF brands like Basotect, Suvinil or BASF corporate logo)
- Memorandum of Understanding and cooperation for brand protection with Alibaba Company
- Build our Own Software
- External marketability (brand protection for BASF key strategic customers with top global brands in FMCG)
What was your biggest challenge?
When you start pursue your entrepreneurial journey, you come across many challenges not just one big challenge that determines your success. For us, the most relevant challenges on our journey were:
- Staying focused on customers
- Finding the right contact person to address our topic
- handling entrepreneurship versus giant process-driven organizations
- Contract negotiations with BASF key strategic customers
- Reintegrating from Chemovator back into BASF Corporation
What was your greatest learning?
- Customers first
- Keep really focused on topics
- Get out of the comfort zone
- Those who only know what they do, work harder. Those who also know WHY they do what they do, work smarter
What was your greatest success?
- Agreement with biggest US company in FMCG for the protection on top global brands
- First paying customer (external and internal)
- Show that the POC (own developed product) with Alibaba and Technidoo works
What was your favorite moment in your Chemovator Journey?
- Winning the price of ‘Most promising Investment case’ in 2019 Demo Day
- To see that really important customers are interested in our digital product. So we knew that digital products from BASF could work for monetarization
- Achieved the goal for a successful Spin In with showing the added value service of our product for BASF
Your advice to aspiring founders?
Solve customers’ problems and not try to sell your solution to the customer
Intelligence uses what is known to solve problems. Creativity uses what is unknown to discover possibilities
A team is not a group of people who work together. A team is a group of people who trust each other
Those who only know what they do, work harder. Those who also know WHY they do what they do, work smarter