1000 Satellites


1000 Satellites targets the needs of corporate and SME employees as well as freelancers with regards to a remote office space that fulfills all the requirements of a modern office environment in terms of productivity, flexibility and workplace attractiveness. We are positioning ourselves as future leading provider of decentral office spaces that can be leased by corporate employers as well as individuals and startups.

Our modern and open office concept allows a productive and creative work environment. Contrary to established providers, we are regionally focusing on small cities with strong movements of commuters to urban areas.

Company Name:
1000 Satellites GmbH

Caro Windlin, Gregory von Abendroth & Markus Hummelsberger

Solution offered:
Decentralized coworking spaces for employees and freelancers.

Exit type:

Product or service description

1000 Satellites offers inspiring and productive work environments for commuting employees and regional freelancers right on their doorstep. The perfect experience for new work approaches. This although includes the offer of headquarter as a service.

Who are your customers?

We currently have over 200 active coworkers in all our Spaces, all of whom are from the Rhein Neckar metropolitan region. We although have two corporates with their headquarters in our locations.

What is your vision?

We are changing the World of Work so that everyone, can develop their full potential everywhere.

Areas of responsibility

Psychology & Organizational Development / Microbiology / Business & Marketing

Areas of responsibility at the Venture

Further skill enhancement by recruiting colleagues for Operations, Finance, IT, Community Management, Marketing, Sales and Expansion.

How did you come up with the idea?

Co-founder Gregory came up with the idea to avoid commuting. Together, the founders developed the concept into a scalable business idea.

What were the most important achievements for you?

Opening Satellite Taylor, followed by two more satellites. Built a great team with 15 employees and two large customers with their headquarters in our locations using the entire network.

Successful seed financing with 3 inspiring investors.

What was your biggest challenge?

Corona just before the opening of the first satellite.

What was your greatest learning?

Big change for companies when implementing new work approaches.

What was your greatest success?

We didn´t let Corona stop us and established a trusted brand in the flex office market.

What was your favorite moment in your Chemovator Journey?

The successful entry pitch in 2019 and the signing of the contract that enabled us to spin-off.

Your advice to aspiring founders?

Be open to reflect and learn. You can never be too good as the challenges you face are constantly growing.