faCellitate Announces Results of a Study on 3D Cell Culture: BIOFLOAT™ Spheroid Plates are a Top Performer in a Comparative Study on market-leading Products

Author faCellitate

Published by faCellitate

Date 27.02.2024

A broadly designed comparative study conducted by researchers from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm has shown that BIOFLOAT™ 3D Cell Culture Plates have performance characteristics superior over all other 3D Cell Culture Plates investigated.

Mannheim (Germany) and Stockholm (Sweden), February 26, 2024 - faCellitate GmbH has announced the results of a performance study of 3D Cell Culture Plates conducted in cooperation with researchers at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, one of the most renowned academic research institutions in Europe.

3D Cell Culture has become an important technology to study biological processes. The cellular aggregates called “Spheroids” employed in 3D Cell Culture allow for an interaction between the cells similar to the conditions in the living organism. This allows for better substituting large scale-animal testing.

”Our study is the first of this kind showing that today’s 96-well spheroid plates are generally meeting high standards.” explained Professor Volker Lauschke, Principal Investigator of the study, Professor in Translational Pharmacology and Director of the Biofabrication and Tissue Engineering Facility at Karolinska Institute. “Differences between different 3D Cell Culture Plates can become significant however for specific applications.” Prof. Lauschke continued. “This is why validating different plates from different manufacturers before embarking on larger projects is advisable.”

96-well plates are predominantly used in academic research while industry often employs 384-well plates for advanced high-throughput screening. “Producing 384-well spheroid plates requires a more demanding technology.”, Prof. Lauschke continued, “Here the BIOFLOAT plates allow for increased reproducibility and are clearly leading the field.”

“We are very pleased about the results of the study”, Dr. Valentina Fermi, Director of Business Development at faCellitate, commented the published results. “The BIOFLOAT Technology has now proven to provide top performing results in the competitive area of 3D Cell Culture”.

About faCellitate GmbH

faCellitate is a spin-off of BASF SE. faCellitate develops and commercializes surface coatings based on its proprietary and patented technology platform. It enables the synthesis and scalable production of biomimetic materials. BIOFLOAT is faCellitate's first product: a unique surface coating for the cultivation of 3D cellular models. In addition, faCellitate is developing biomimetic coatings for new applications such as stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine. faCellitate’s surface coatings are chemically defined, free of animal materials also suitable in principle for use on humans.

More information about faCellitate can be found on: www.facellitate.com

About Karolinska Institute:

Karolinska Institute is one of the world’s leading medical universities. It accounts for the single largest share of all academic medical research conducted in Sweden and offers the country’s broadest range of education in medicine and health sciences. The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute selects the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine.


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